Tom fulp sent me an email wishing the best for my birthday (but literally its automated ofc, and its unecrypted). << Actually, let's talk about why Im actually against (and somehow favor) unencrypted traffic.
If you get an unencrypted email >> in todays age, its usually a sign of a security flaw. Sounds to me that Tom & staff did not exercise required security protocols when sending the birthday wishes email. Seriously guys, the site can use an added bit of security by enabling at least TLSv1.2 to protect this site's contents. My mobile phone detects and actually blocks this site because of possible dangers here. ( real reason >> There is no security certificates = BIG problem). So if you send me an email Tom & Staff, please ensure its secured with TLS and/or some type of encryption.
We're well past 1995. Exercise it while you can.
The other reason I favor this traffic in say >> raw content, I woul rather see the raw content as is. That way the insecurities can be traced down immediately. Sure it may be a hackers decision, but theres about 7 types of hackers in these comunities and not all are the same.
Anyways, happy birfday to mee.